Codeless Technology – Keeping the Business User in Mind

While IT departments may find a move to business user-friendly software potentially disruptive or troublesome, increasing the accessibility of software integration tools through codeless technology brings huge benefits. By optimizing software for the direct user as opposed to an IT professional, businesses will experience a faster customer onboarding process, reduce the time to market, and accelerate revenue. The IT department will not have to spend time receiving and fixing software that they did not create. The user will have the ability themselves to build and use the application and module that they need.

Users want an easy-to-use interface that enables workflow automation — not a platform that requires advanced knowledge of code and an IT request ticket. is a great example of a business application that saw challenges within an industry and successfully met them head-on in a creative way. Prior to Salesforce, many CRM systems were often adopted with little consideration or thought for the actual end-user or for how sales representatives would actually reap the benefits. The primary user of a CRM system is a sales representative — not IT — and Salesforce understood that. They enabled the user to fully use and own the application.

Many companies want custom software that provides them with everything that they want and need, but because time and finances are finite resources, many great ideas and concepts flame out or get put on the back burner. It is a great concept that is never fully implemented. Our software can help solve these problems. PERFEQTA is built and designed for the user and by the user. It puts the user in control of the information that they see and have access to. They will not have to search and dig to find the information that they want and need. It will be readily available at their fingertips and will not require IT tickets being submitted or spending your company’s IT resources. Wouldn’t your business (and you yourself) prefer to work on creating applications that grow and transform the business?

Here are three things to keep in mind in terms of codeless technology:

1. IT Self-Service

When executed properly, IT self-service can reduce contact volume by as much as 40%, accounting for the “How-To” questions, service requests, and password resets that comprise that percentage. Do the math for your organization.

2. IT Knowledge Maintenance

Through codeless technology, a platform can help reduce administrative and maintenance burdens. This not only opens up opportunities to document issues better but allows for the sharing and utilization of information appropriately.

3. Third-Party Integration

Application integration is required to make effective use of the full IT service and IT operations management portfolio, as opposed to unmanageable tasks and processes that involve technicians working in multiple systems to consume data and context. When you don’t require software configuration or development to build out third-party integrations, you can quickly scale the ability to remove data silos.

Originally posted to LinkedIn on April 13, 2017 – To view the original post click here

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