What We Have Learned From Developing Our Newest SaaS Offering – PERFEQTA

It has been almost a month since our company, Sigma Blood Systems, attended the AABB Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL and we have continued to receive an incredible response to our new SaaS offering, PERFEQTA. For those who don’t know, PERFEQTA is the world’s first fully flexible software for managing processes, procedures, and forms in any sized organization. Our web-based platform gives users the ability to automate, track, and audit multiple processes throughout their operation, all in a collaborative setting, complete with compliance meeting standards that exceed the highest levels set forth by regulatory entities such as the FDA and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). With a fully integrated reporting dashboard that allows the user insight into the data coming from their operations, PERFEQTA provides a vision into the business never before thought possible.

We have recently implemented the solution with MD Anderson Cancer Center in the Donor and Transfusion Department. A move that provides their organization with a single web-based software instead of relying on multiple disjointed stand-alone software pieces for Blood and Reagent QC as well as device management. The forward-thinking technology adopters at MD Anderson truly helped realize the potential of PERFEQTA for our team as well. As software manufacturers of predominantly Quality Control products, we developed what ended as PERFEQTA with Quality Management in mind once again. In fact, the name even speaks to quality-based design.

However, as we continued to work and began to understand what we were ultimately creating, we soon realized that the flexibility of the system allows for application far beyond managing quality initiatives. Today we are working with manufacturers, construction companies, an aviation asset management firm, economic developers, and even a zoo on ways that PERFEQTA can help effectively and, more importantly, affordably fill gaps and automate paper-based processes within their operations. From Quality Management to process automation and data aggregation, PERFEQTA truly provides a platform as open as the users’ minds.

And to think, we just set out to design a new QC module originally?

Originally posted to LinkedIn on November 22, 2016 – To view the original post click here

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